Dual atomic interferometry with strontium atoms
Kwong Chang Chi
senior research fellow in David Wilkowski’s group at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
Light pulse atomic interferometry is a useful technique for fundamental scientific studies such as measurement of gravitational constant and fine structure constant, and for technological applications in gravitational survey and inertial sensing. On the fundamental studies side, there have been several proposals of atomic clock interferometry with sensitivity to proper time differences in the path, which will make the atomic interferometry sensitivity to gravitational redshift effects. Strontium, with the 1S0→3P0 clock transition, is one possible candidate to implement atomic clock interferometry. In this talk, I will describe a dual atomic interferometry scheme where the same interferometric sequence is simultaneously performed on the ground and clock states of strontium atoms. Apart from application in atomic clock interferometry, it can also be used for quantum test of weak equivalence principle in the optical regime. For practical applications such as gravimetry and sensing, another limitation of cold strontium atomic interferometry comes in its typically large and complicated setup. I will describe our development of a compact strontium source based on laser ablation that is useful for practical atomic interferometry setups.
https://nus-sg.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkd-qvrD4pHtPjhqBjfHVxY5JM3rptZEq-Thursday, November 2, 2023, 4:30 PM Singapore time / 9:30 AM French time