Senior Research Fellow on the energetic efficiency of quantum processors

A senior post-doctoral position is open in the group of Alexia Auffèves (MajuLab, CQT, Singapore), as part of the project BACQ funded by the French Quantum Strategy. The fellow will build standards of energetic efficiencies for full-stack quantum processors, study the conditions for energetic advantages of quantum nature, and develop an open numerical platform to estimate these efficiencies. She/he will work in close collaboration with experts of both quantum hardware and quantum software from academia and industry, and play a leading role in the writing of standards in the newly created IEEE working group 3329 “Quantum Energy Initiative”. Remarkably, the project can be phrased as the energetic translation of primordial questions raised at the onset of the quantum formalism. What is the minimal energy cost to control a Schrödinger cat, while keeping it dead and alive? Preserving large quantum states against decoherence is a non-equilibrium situation: can we deliver a consistent and useful thermodynamic analysis?

About the project – BACQ “Application-oriented benchmarks for quantum computing” is a three-year project funded by the French quantum strategy through the programme France 2030. BACQ aims to developing an objective, long-lasting, widely shared measurement instrument, to serve as a common reference, for the evaluation of the quantum computing practical performance, by considering benchmarks close to real applications, meaningful for industrial end-users. By allowing the overall comparison between different quantum computing solutions and with classical computers, BACQ will contribute to measure the progress towards a practical quantum advantage. The consortium gathers the CNRS, the CEAEviden, the LNETeratec, and Thales as coordinator. The project involves numerous collaborations with French quantum startups which will eventually measure the proposed energetic efficiencies on their processors.

Role of the research fellow – The research fellow will work on the development of energy-based benchmarks, which raises specific challenges of scientific and strategic nature.

Scientific challenges: Defining, measuring and optimizing energetic efficiencies for quantum computers is by essence an interdisciplinary task. Energetic efficiencies are ratios between metrics of performance and energetic costs. On the one hand, metrics of performance characterize well-defined computational tasks, and result from the degree of control over noise attained at the quantum level. Energetic costs, on the other hand, are set at the macroscopic level by enabling technologies: cryogenics, microwaves, control electronics…The interdependence between the macroscopic and the quantum levels is non-trivial: systematic explorations require to develop holistic methodologies, as called in the quantum energy initiative and proposed in [Auf22, FCT+23]. The research fellow will play a central role in the development, documentation and execution of these methodologies, in close collaboration with experts of the field. This includes: the build-up of standards of energetic efficiencies for full-stack quantum processors executing well-defined tasks, the study of the conditions for energetic advantages of quantum nature in a systematic way, the development of an open numerical platform to estimate these efficiencies.

Strategic challenges: In the emerging area of quantum computing, developing documented standards of energetic efficiency is mandatory for strategic, economic and societal reasons. The research fellow will strongly contribute to the elaboration of such standards within the IEEE 3329 working group “quantum energy initiative chaired by A. Auffèves and gathering a crossed disciplinary group of experts.

About |QET> and the hosting group The quantum energy team |QET> is a non-local theoretical research team lead by A. Auffèves (CNRS, Singapore) and R. Whitney (CNRS, Grenoble). We are pioneers in the development and application of a holistic methodology to estimate and optimize the energy consumed by the full stack of a quantum computer [Auf22, FCT+23], and co-founders of the Quantum Energy Initiative. The fellow will be hosted in Auffèves group, which has a long standing experience in quantum energetics, quantum optics, and stochastic thermodynamics, and in the exploration of foundational and technological open questions in close collaboration with top level experimental and theoretical groups worldwide. Auffèves chairs the IEEE 3329 working group “quantum energy initiative” devoted to the development on standards of energy efficiency for quantum computing.

Larger working environment- MajuLab is a joint international lab whose signatory institutions are the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the Universite Cote d’Azur (UCA), Sorbonne Universite (SU), the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Since its creation in 2014, this French-Singaporean quantum centre has been instrumental in initiating and sustaining long term synergies between the French and the Singaporean ecosystems. The research fellow will be physically based in the Centre for Quantum Technologies, a long-standing powerhouse of quantum. She/he will engage in the fast-paced Singaporean ecosystem, a multicultural hub and Asian leader in deep tech.


– PhD in quantum physics or computer science, with a focus on quantum computing and curiosity for full-stack quantum computing. 1 to 2 years of post-doctoral experience will be a strong plus.

– Strong skills in programming languages python and qutip, experience with qiskit and other cloud based platforms, resource estimators, classical high-performance computing are plus.

– Excellent analytical, organizational, and communication skills.

– Capacity to develop and nurture crossed-disciplinary networks.

– Proven track record of published research and presentations in relevant fields.

– Creativity and ability to think out of the box.

– Capacity to develop strategies of influence in complex international environments

What We Offer

– Opportunity to work on a strategic project and to play an instrumental role in the structuration of the emerging field of quantum energetics.

– Opportunity to supervise PhD students and interns, freedom to define and execute workplans.

– Various collaborations in France and Singapore within highly stimulating environments.

– Excellent networking opportunities with leading experts from academia and industry.

– Excellent working conditions with competitive salary and benefits (up to 100000 euros/year after taxes, depending on the origin and background of the candidate).

How to Apply

Interested candidates should submit their application by sending an email to, including a detailed CV, a cover letter explaining their interest and fit for the role, two or three reference letters, and a list of publications, and through the portal 

Application Deadline

End of July 2024



  1. Auffèves, Quantum technologies need a quantum energy initiative, PRX Quantum 3, 020101 (2022).
  2. Fellous-Asiani, J.-H. Chai, Y. Thonnart, H.-K. Ng, R. S. Whitney and A. Auffèves, PRX Quantum 4, 040319 (2023).